YRQS2022 invites you to participate and contribute to this symposium for the dissemination and exchange of up-to-date scientific information on theoretical, generic and applied areas of quantitative sciences and analytics. We look forward to receiving your submission(s). All submissions will be reviewed by independent reviewers.
Paper Submission
Each participant needs to submit an abstract of full paper for evaluation before they are allowed to present the paper at the symposium.
Abstract must be submitted in English
Abstract must be submitted by 28 December 2021. Please use the provided abstract template.
Abstract and full paper must be original, have not been presented or submitted to any other conferences previously, and have not been previously accepted in a journal or under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Abstract and full paper must be sent through the EasyChair System.
The full paper with a maximum of 7 single-spaced pages, including an abstract, references, tables, figures and appendices. Please use the provided full paper template.
All authors are responsible to ensure that the content, grammar, structure, and formatting of the paper submitted are correct.
The selection of papers will be done through a double-blind review process. Please ensure that the authors’ names do not appear in the first submission.
The full paper must be submitted by 4 January 2022.
At least one author for each accepted paper must register and pay the fees for the conference by 4 January 2022 in order for the paper to be included in the e-programme book and ISBN e-proceedings.
Poster Submission
Each participant needs to submit an abstract of their poster for evaluation before they are allowed to present their poster at the symposium.
Poster Abstract must be submitted in English.
Poster Abstract must be original and have not been presented or submitted to any other conferences previously.
Poster Abstract must be submitted by the deadline. Abstract submitted afterward will not be considered for evaluation.
Poster Abstract must be sent through the EasyChair System.
Poster Abstract must be submitted by 28 December 2021. Please use the provided poster abstract template.
Posters should be simple, brief and prepared having in minds, primarily, their use as a basis for the presentation and possible discussion of the work.
Posters and a link to an online YouTube of pre-recorded video presentation in 3 – 4 minutes must be uploaded to your Google drive and share the link by 4 January 2022.
Poster must have a title including the title of the paper, author(s), affiliation(s) (department, institute/university, country).
Each of the posters should contain a complete piece of information such as the abstract, introduction, problem statement, objective, finding /expected finding and conclusion.
The presenter of the poster must be a registered participant.
Registration and fees payment must be received by the symposium secretariat by 4 January 2022 in order for the poster to be included in the programme book and ISBN e-proceedings.
Poster Creation
You can use any poster design tools such as Canva, PowerPoint or Google Slides to make your poster. Your complete Poster Presentation will include the following:
.pdf file upload of your poster
A link to an online YouTube video of your 3 – 4 minutes presentation of your poster
Poster Specifications
Dimensions: Final poster dimensions must be in A1 size (594mm x 841 mm)
File format: Your final completed poster will be saved as a .pdf file
The poster file size may not exceed 10MB. If needed, use an online tool such as Smallpdf to compress the file.
Submission Through EasyChair
Sign up for an EasyChair account at the EasyChair website: https://easychair.org/account/signup
If you have used EasyChair before, skip this step and proceed to step 2. -
Please click the following link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=yrqs2022, and login using your EasyChair account username and password.
Click on the “New Submission” link in the top-left corner of the menu.
Fill in the names, affiliations, postal and email addresses of all co-authors and indicate the presenting and corresponding authors. All these fields are mandatory.
Enter the title and abstract in the provided text areas. Note that only plain (ASCII) text is accepted in these fields.
Provide at least 3 (and up to 5) keywords that describe your paper. Please enter one keyword per line. If more than 5 keywords are entered, the Program Committee may arbitrarily select those to be included in the final form of your abstract.
Upload your paper. The paper must be in MS Word.
Click ‘Submit’.